Things have changed a lot since the dull monotony of stationary indoor bikes in the 1970s. In the 1980s, there were for the first time indoor bikes with display that made relevant data visible. In the 1990s, Cardio Theater, a company that designed video systems for cycle training.
However, the first major leap in development came in 1995 with the emergence of spinning classes. The first forerunner of today's RPM and LES MILLS SPRINT Classes and boutique cycling studios, first used instructors and brought people together to train as a group.
Let's go from the past into the present: In 2015, LES MILLS took Cycle-Classes to a new level and created the ultimate class with THE Immersive Class THE TRIP Exertainment . How does it go from here? What is the next evolutionary level of motivation? Phillip Mills has an idea - read more in this video.
Take a look at "The Evolution of Motivation" with Phillip Mills.