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Instructor development

Education just got a lot more accessible

How do you deliver the best experience for your members? At Les Mills, we believe this is achieved through the latest Quarterly Programme Release combined with regular Ongoing Development (previously called Touchpoints). This ensures Instructors keep on top of current fitness trends, continue to inspire and deliver exceptional, safe workouts for your members, helping them to fall in love with group exercise and your facility.

We continually invest and evolve from club and Instructor feedback and the fitness industry to be able to offer what we believe to be the best, safest and most effective group exercise offering available to facilities today. We also love to see the dedication and investment that Les Mills Instructors put into their Ongoing Development which is why we love doing what we do.

Les Mills Releases, (which includes the latest music, workout choreography and research) and Ongoing Development can be covered by Instructors or the club. We want to let you know that if you invest in your Instructors this way, we've made it easier for you to do so.

What is ongoing development?

These are opportunities for Instructors to achieve education to keep their teaching fresh, relevant and safe for your members. These are delivered in several ways including Tribal Gathering events, Live Quarterly Workshops, Quarterly Workshop Webinars and Feedback Videos. Instructors achieve Development Points for attending this education and we require Instructors to achieve 2 Points per year, per programme they are certified in.

How can instructors achieve ongoing development points?

There are several different ways in which Instructors can achieve their Ongoing Development Points, including:

Quarterly Workshops
Programme specific workshops available both live and now online! (Previously £16.50 each)

Tribal Gatherings
Full day experiences showcasing latest releases. (Previously £45 each)

Feedback Videos
Submit 2 track minimum for detailed feedback from our team of experts. (previously £16.50)

Advanced training
Revolutionises the way Instructors teach. (worth 2 Development Points. Sold separately from the Quarterly Ongoing Development payment. More info here.)