Do exams stress you out? Forget last-minute cramming, a new study reveals the modern way to overcome assessment anxiety.

We've all been there … There's an important test, exam or presentation on the horizon and all of a sudden, a wave of debilitating performance anxiety sweeps in. No matter how much you might have studied or prepared, you are overwhelmed by stress and tension. Likely triggered by fear of failure, past mistakes, or intense perfectionism, this anxiety can be seriously detrimental and sabotage your ability to study, rationalise and focus. Studies show that such anxiety can have a negative effect on academic achievement and when test anxiety is reduced, performance levels improve.

So what's the best way to get rid of exam stress? While you can extract yourself from society to bury your head in your books, research shows a faster and more effective way to get rid of study anxiety; squeezing in a calming pre-exam yoga session.

"A well-designed exercise session can deliver immediate benefits in a high-stress situation,” Dr. Gillian Hatfield

This finding comes after Dr. Gillian Hatfield and a team of researchers from the University of the Fraser Valley decided to delve deeper into tools to reduce anxiety and help with exam performance. “Previous research has shown that breathing techniques and relaxation can help, but we weren’t sure if performing yoga directly before an exam would be beneficial. What we found is that a well-designed exercise session can deliver immediate benefits in a high-stress situation.”

What actually happens in our brains when we feel exam stress?

Different parts of our brains are responsible for different functions. The amygdala is the part of the brain that detects scary situations and activates our body’s fight or flight mode. When we sense stress or danger, the amygdala releases stress hormones, our breath quickens so we take in more oxygen to the brain, and our muscles tense ready for action. This primal response is great for ensuring survival in the savannah. Problem is, when the amygdala kicks into overdrive, other parts of the brain start to shut down – specifically the brain’s pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions such as analysis and problem-solving. This is understandably problematic if you're relying on thinking skills to overcome exam stress.

Activities like yoga can have a powerful neurobiological effect, and help counteract the stress. Researchers have identified how practicing yoga can spark changes in the amygdala, offsetting the fight or flight activity so other parts of the brain can continue to function.

The University of the Fraser Valley study involved a group of nursing students. Nursing students are known to suffer particularly high levels of exam stress as they need to maintain high exam scores to remain in the program and get their license to practice. Dr. Hatfield explains that the researchers split the nursing students into two groups. One group completed a live BODYBALANCE™ workout directly before a mock exam. This 30-minute workout focused on sun salutations and standing strength poses. The other students were asked to spend that time reading the notes, akin to a typical pre-exam cramming session. A week later, the same students repeated the process, but those who had previously done the pre-exam cramming session did the pre-exam BODYBALANCE session instead, and vice versa.

“We found that when the nursing students did a BODYBALANCE workout before their exam they significantly reduced their anxiety levels. However, the reduction in anxiety didn't happen when they spent the same amount of time doing the pre-exam cramming.”

“The calming effects of BODYBALANCE clearly helped students enter the exam with lower anxiety levels,” Dr. Gillian Hatfield

“The calming effects of BODYBALANCE clearly helped students enter the exam with lower anxiety levels, and we know from past studies that lower anxiety levels can be key to improved performance.”

BODYBALANCE helps calm exam stress

Improved academic performance isn’t the only way BODYBALANCE can help you fine-tune your life. Previous research shows that adding a short session to your evening routine could help you sleep better, increase your motivation and boost your confidence – at the same time as reducing feelings of sadness, anxiety and tension.