Spotlight on: Emma Vandenbergh

Emma Vandenbergh brought her A-game to BODYPUMP 92 filming this month. We caught up with the Australian beauty on her experience during filming week.

BODYPUMP 92 filming is in the bag and we can’t wait for you to see it. This quarter Glen was joined on the presenting stage by the lovely Emma Vandenbergh. Based in Adelaide, Australia, Emma is a trainer for BODYPUMP and CXWORX, as well as a BODYBALANCE instructor. Not to mention director of her own yoga and personal training business.

Her presence on stage and connection to the workout and to the BODYPUMP crowd definitely had us impressed and we reckon she’s one to watch!

We spent five minutes catching up with Emma…

  • Tell us about yourself, how did you get into fitness?

I have been in the fitness industry for 15 years - starting my journey in Queensland developing core training programs for professional surfers. BODYPUMP was my first LES MILLS program seven years ago.

  • Was this your first time presenting any program? If not, which other ones have you presented?

BODYPUMP 92 was my first time presenting but I’ve previously shadowed in BODYPUMP 88 & CXWORX 15. Lucky girl!!

  • What were your highlights of the experience here during filming week?

Spending time being developed by Glen O, Kylie G and Bryce. The entire team at LMI are so supportive and they made each part of my experience very memorable.

  • How did you prepare for your role presenting BODYPUMP with Glen?

My training and eating regime was business as usual - nothing really changed there. While I was in New Zealand, Glen and I did some power lifting together to get some more feeling around explosive training to prepare to teach my tracks. That was an added bonus.

  • On the whole, how would you describe your experience during filming week?

I'm super appreciative for the experience, the up-skill and for being part of the process of developing a BODYPUMP release. I look forward to sharing the knowledge to pass on to instructors and members in my classes.