He’s got a full-on role shaping some of the world’s most popular workouts, a young family and a passion for all sorts of exercise … Find out how this busy family man balances it all – while maintaining a very healthy outlook.

If you could choose one person to work out with, who would it be and why?

I couldn’t choose just one person! I'd love to have all of my family and all of my wife's side of the family coming together for a group workout. I know it would be the funniest and most fulfilling workout experience.

What’s your favorite workout routine?

I find a combination of 30 minutes of BODYCOMBAT and 30 minutes of CXWORX is a great cardio and core conditioning regime – it’s my go to! I also love to throw weights around, test my core strength and hit things.

What does a cheat day look like for you?

I've decided that no longer do I have specific “cheat days”. These days I eat clean most of the time but throw in a higher calorie meal or a beer at the BBQ (with my ukulele in hand). It makes my life balance so much more realistic. The goal is to truly try to always eat clean, and that's different from sticking to a strict eating plan – there’s no yo yo dieting in my world!

If you had to choose your last meal, what would it be?

Same as my breakfast, tuna sashimi.

How do you relax, de-stress and chill out?

I love going to the park with my wife and daughter, watching my baby girl’s face light up is the most amazing and happy thing to witness.

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

Lol! That’s a funny question … Ermmmm? Okay, maybe if I was a little taller. But having said that, apparently I'm two inches taller than the average European, so I guess I'm happy.

What characteristic do you most admire in other people?

Loyalty, positivity, honesty.

Name the last book you read, the last movie you watched, and track you currently have on high rotate.

The book I’m currently reading is 40 Days to Freedom by Ben Patwa and Suzanne Catherine. The last movie I watched was The Light Between Oceans. And, right now there are lots of songs on high rotate at our house – everything from Moana, Sing and Trolls! #babygirl

What social media can’t you live without? Favorite feeds?

I get a lot of value from reading the training articles, and mindset and presentation tips that are shared on social media. For me social media has become a real learning tool, it’s more than just a bit of fun. However I still get roped into the fun and games – my wife loves Snapchat, lol!

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?

Healing those who are sick!

What’s the best non-physical thing about staying in shape?

That you’re also committing to your mental health – it's a very much neglected part of life. The value that comes from happiness is priceless!

Who should play you in the movie based on your life?

Jason Statham or Vin Diesel.

Dan Cohen is the UK-born, Auckland-based fitness professional responsible for developing Les Mills’ BODYCOMBAT and CXWORX programs. When he’s not shaping new workouts you’ll find him traveling the world mentoring fitness instructors and inspiring exercisers all over the planet.

Follow Dan at instagram.com/officialdancohen

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