After hanging up his skates as a competitive figure skater, Mark Nu’u-Steele stepped into the world of group fitness and has never looked back. He has now spent more than two decades as the BODYSTEP program director, profoundly influencing the development of modern step aerobics.

If you could choose one person to work out with, who would it be and why?

Jillian Michaels. She’d probably make me cry, but I really dig her style, sass and attitude-packed #fbombs.

What’s your favorite workout routine?

Of course, I love teaching my BODYSTEP classes, but I also really love weight training. I used to focus a lot on strength-styled weight training, but lately I’ve been focusing more on stability-styled weight training, and devoting a quarter of my workout time to stretching. My goal is to remain injury free. That being said, I still love to throw some heavy weights around the gym at least once a week.

What does a cheat day look like for you?

Going to the gym, splashing water down my front and forehead, taking a selfie, and instagramming a pic of my ‘fake’ workout so everyone thinks I’m awesome. Then driving home and going to sleep.

If you had to choose your last meal, what would it be?

Crispy, thrice cooked chunky fries. Carrot cake with cream cheese icing. A double serving of guilt, and a glass of tears to wash it all down. Just kidding, there are never any regrets for living!

How do you relax, de-stress and chill out?

Spending time with my family and laughing A LOT, usually about inappropriate subjects. Rugging up on the couch watching a Netflix series or a zombie movie. If I’m alone, I clean the house with 80’s music blasting, and then watch a Star Wars movie.

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

So, 25 years ago …

What characteristic do you most admire in other people?

Authenticity – I really think it’s important to always being the same “you” no matter where you are, or who you are with. I also admire integrity, humane morals, empathy and a loving nature – and I’m drawn to people with a wacky sense of humor!

Name the last book you read, the last movie you watched, and the track you currently have on high rotate.

I read the book Girls Don’t Fart Okay to my daughter yesterday. The last movie I watched was Blade Runner 2049. And the track I have on high repeat is Take On Me by Aha, but only when I’m on my own – please don’t judge me!

What social media can’t you live without? Do you have any favorite feeds?

The only social media I partake in is Instagram. I tend to gravitate towards political feeds, but I also love great meme pages. If you post a picture of your feet, I will unfollow you! #nope

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?

Is the power of impeachment a super power? If so, I definitely choose the power to impeach!

What’s the best non-physical thing about staying in shape?

Feeling happy. I believe it’s a by-product of working out.

Who should play you in the movie based on your life?

Duh, Gal Gadot!

As the BODYSTEP Program Director Mark Nu’u-Steele shapes the development of new step workouts every three months. And, when he’s not selecting music and choreographing new moves, he’s traveling the world, educating and inspiring fellow fitness fans at Les Mills events all over the planet.

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