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Case studies

Group Fitness Management – The go to education for Successful Group Fitness

We at Les Mills want to help shape the future of fitness, to find fresh takes and solutions that will help grow revenue and member base at fitness clubs. Whether you have partnered with Les Mills or not, Group Fitness Management is a unique educational experience about group fitness in general.

Despite the strong recovery the fitness industry is currently in, many fitness clubs still struggle with making their group fitness a success. In todays rapidly changing digital world, it is more important then ever to create a personalized, flexible and omnichannel fitness experience that meets the needs of the members.

The Group Fitness Management Education has been designed to support fitness clubs with valuable insights into key areas such as omnichannel fitness, measuring and analyzing the group training scoreboard, event planning, building a successful team and scheduling among others. The insights gained from the education will have a direct impact on the performance of group fitness as well as the profitability of the business.

We asked some of our participants how exactly did the education support them and here is what they had to say.

Ria Hrusovska / Group Fitness Manager / Explore Fitness, Prague

This was Ria’s 2nd time in Group Fitness Management. Her expectation was to get a push and motivation and an update on where the industry is at. She absolutely loved it, and the education was more than she had hoped for.

“I am currently the group fitness manager at a club, and we are struggling with attendance. Post-pandemic attendances are at 50% from prior, so we really need to push to get people back to the classes and the clubs. From Group Fitness Management I got a lot of valuable information like tips on how to work better with the team, so we all work towards the same goal. I would recommend the education for anyone who either owns a club or works at one. It was inspiring and interesting to speak to people from other countries. The teacher was actively helping us to find solutions that fit our club. Even though it was online, the education was very interactive.”

Ria went on to say that the education made her rethink club management. She was very happy of the discussion on instructors and their well-being.

“So often great instructors can be burnt out. I got loads of great tips on how to work with the instructor team, how to avoid the best instructors being overworked, and finding a balance for them.”

Ria said that she could not wait for Monday to get back to the club to implement the new ideas and everything she learned.

“This was my second time in Group Fitness Management but not the last. I would recommend attending this education every two years or so.”

Ebba Ranestål / Club Manager / Training Club Enerqi, Kiruna

For Ebba, who is new to the fitness industry, this was the first Group Fitness Management education she participated in. The education exceeded her expectations. She thought it would be difficult to concentrate online for 2 days. The education proved to be so interesting and interactive that she felt the days just flew by.

“The education was excellent in comparing facts and figures from the material to real-world situations. I really felt seen and heard throughout the education. The key takeout for me was using the studio space to its best capacity, trends of the industry, what works and what doesn’t. I saw the business with new eyes. We even did changes to our service development at the club because of facts I learned from the education. Without this, I would not have been brave enough to even suggest it, but now I had actual data and proof of why the changes would be the best solution. I got confidence from the education. I learned to keep an open mind and felt the discussions with other countries' representatives was fruitful and how one solution can actually be the answer to various different challenges. I also learned that you have to try different ways of doing things. We need to stay active and keep reinventing ourselves to keep the gym attractive for members.”

Ebba also learned that what she likes the most, is not always what the members will like the most.

“I thought the education would be tiresome, but actually after it ended on Friday afternoon, I felt alive and full of enthusiasm, motivation and energy. I highly recommend the education to anyone in Gym Management.”

Les Mills has created a unique education in the Fitness Industry called Group Fitness Management (GFM). This iconic education was first introduced in the early 2000s and has developed and matured together with the Fitness Industry. The Group Fitness Management is based on fresh world-leading research and surveys, as well as decades of experience in the industry. It is given in both English as well as local languages in the Nordic countries both live and online.

To find the next education and register go to Les Mills - GROUP FITNESS MANAGEMENT