Reebok Voucher Promo Terms & Conditions
LES MILLS+ Reebok voucher - USA
Reebok voucher offer valid from 25 January, 02.59pm PST until 15 February 11.59am PST, or while stocks last. Voucher will be sent to you via email after your first annual subscription payment has been made. Use Les Mills unique voucher code at checkout for $20 off your total order. Voucher code is only eligible for one-time-use and expires on April 30 2022, (TBC). Valid on only. All offers valid on domestic U.S. orders only. Offer cannot be combined with other offers. Offer is not valid on prior purchases.
LES MILLS+ Reebok voucher - UK
Reebok voucher offer valid from Mon 25 January 11:59pm GMT until 15 February 7:59pm GMT, or while stocks last. Voucher will be sent to you via email after your first annual subscription payment has been made. Use Les Mills unique voucher code at checkout for £20 off your total order. Voucher code is only eligible for one-time-use and expires on April 30 2022, (TBC). Valid on only. All offers valid on domestic UK orders only. Offer cannot be combined with other offers. Offer is not valid on prior purchases.