Thank you X 100,000

There are 130,000 Les Mills instructors spread across 80 countries who make up the Les Mills World. These passionate, dedicated and talented individuals go above and beyond, constantly training and up-skilling and putting everyone else’s workouts before their own. For this we want to say THANK YOU!

From London to Shanghai, New York to Marrakesh and almost everywhere in between... There are 130,000 Les Mills instructors spread across 80 countries who make up the Les Mills World. These passionate, dedicated and talented individuals go above and beyond, constantly training and up-skilling and putting everyone else’s workouts before their own. For this, we want to say THANK YOU!

This specially designed thank you video was screened at Stockholm's Masterclass filming in September 2013 and watched by the thousands of instructors who attended the event. Featuring real instructors who have been teaching for years and have earned their moment in the spotlight, it shows them working out in their local environments, highlighting the energy and dedication that it takes to be a truly world class Les Mills instructor.

The instructors in this video are just the tip of the iceberg. We know that there are thousands of Les Mills instructors out there who have stories to show and tell – and we want to see and hear them!